Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Few Pictures From 2014

We had a pretty good year for our first year racing.  Roger is our team rider and has an extensive background in motocross and enduro racing, plus a bit of motorcycle drag racing as well.  This is his first season racing SuperStreet so the style of racing is much different than what we're used to.

When you get to be our age one of the problems we have is admitting that we're not the strapping youth that we once were.  Roger has no fear when you point the bike down the straight-away, but when you have to navigate the turns and curves it takes us older rookies a bit longer to learn the skill of taking curves at speed.

Personally, I'm pretty comfortable with the pit duties.  I don't know how the racers can lean over their bikes the way they do.  I know the only time my ass hangs that far off anything is when I dispensing some 'home brew' down at the fishing hole.

Here's a picture of Roger at the Pueblo Motorsports Park:

Notice the coolers?  The red one had Gatorades and the green one in the back had our lunch!  We certainly do eat well come race day!

Here's another picture of Roger coming in after a race at PPIR:

I'm working on more pictures and videos from this year's racing so stay tuned!

See ya at the track!


Friday, September 26, 2014

Welcome to the Geezer Gears Racing Team Blog!

Well we finally did it - we got us a Blog!  After a great first year of racing we've decided to ramp it up a bit and the first thing we're doing is creating a Blog where we will be covering our motorcycle racing from a 'seasoned' person's perspective (A.K.A. old farts).

By way of introduction, I'm "Pops".  I help with the team logistics, social media, photography, video recording, navigation, security, and other duties as assigned.  My job is to make Roger's life easy so all he needs to focus on is keeping the motorcycle from crashing!

Roger is our Team Rider.  He has grown up on motorcycles and he has an extensive background in motocross, enduro, and drag racing motorcycles.  He has the hardest job on the team!  He's also the official team cook too.

We're former Illinois boys that are married to twin sisters and have settled in between Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado.  Our team headquarters is at an undisclosed location in Monument, Colorado.

This past year (2014) we raced at the Pueblo Motorsports Park and at the Pikes Peak International Raceway.  Next year (2015) we hope to venture a little further away from home and race at tracks in Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming.  Who knows where we'll be in 2016!

So sit back and enjoy some old fart humor!

See ya at the track!
