Wednesday, November 26, 2014

And So Begins The Holiday Season....

The bikes have been washed and put away for another season.  The leathers are a bit worn and are hanging up waiting for next year.  As families gather for the Holidays tales of this year's races - the spills, the close shaves, the narrow victories, will be told over and over.

Then there's us old Geezers!  As winter approaches we give up our bikes and our wrenches and we pick up our tool belts to start on the 'honey-do' list that has been waiting since spring!  The whine of the two-stroke engine has been replaced by the nagging of the spouse.  Now that we're not tinkering on bikes we're expected to keep our finger nails clean and wear deodorant!

I have given up my cargo shorts and tool belt for plaid pants, a wide white belt, and the wife's purse hanging off my arm as we shop in Kohl's.  She shops for Holiday nicknack with as much enthusiasm as I do chain lube.  Needless to say, my leash is much much shorter in the winter time!

So what's an old fart supposed to do?  Luckily I keep motorcycle magazines hidden away around the house just like I used to do with Playboy magazines in my youth.  This is my off-season, where I get to study up on the latest steering dampers, chain adjusters, and racing plastic.  I fret over shaving ounces off the bike like my wife does pounds off my gut!

On the bright side, the shortest day of the year is only 4 weeks away.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving which kicks-off the Holiday season.  From all of us here at the Geezer Gears Racing Team have a Happy Thanksgiving!

See ya at the track!
