Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July Greetings From Phoenix!

Happy 4th of July!

We are waking up this morning in Phoenix Arizona. We drove 12 hours yesterday and made it here around dinner time. The trip down was excellent - light traffic and very little construction. While we saw a handful of police cars with their lights flashing, thankfully none of them were for us!

We will probably spend the day kicking around town and tonight we will be having a barbeque with friends and family before we head off to watch fireworks.

Tomorrow we will be going over everything we brought to be installed in the trailer and picking up anything else we might have forgotten.

From all if us here at the Geezer Gears Racing Team, please have a safe and a wonderful 4th of July! Remember that all of the freedoms and liberties you enjoy come from the Veterans who made the sacrifice for you. Please thank a Veteran today!

See ya' at the track!
