Friday, February 26, 2016

Geezer Gears Racing - Meet The Team!

As we start getting ready for the 2016 racing season I thought I would pass along some pictures and stories of Roger, our team rider.  We thought we would call this segment "Meet The Team".....

Roger moved to Colorado in the late 1980's from western Illinois (the Quad Cities area).  He had pretty much grown up around bikes and the need for more thrills led him to Enduro racing.

Roger raced at the Limon Enduro, up in Steamboat Springs, over in Chadron, Nebraska and down at PMI in Pueblo in the early 1990's.

During this time he primarily  rode a 1991 Suzuki RMX 250.  He managed to win a few trophies along the way too!

Stay tuned for more updates to our "Meet The Team" feature!

See ya' at the track!


Monday, February 15, 2016

Bike Enhancements For 2016

I just got a slew of pictures and updates from Roger and I thought I would pass them along.  We'll show you some of the upgrades and enhancements but to see all of them, well.... you'll just have to come to the track to see them!

I mentioned we dyno'd the bike in my last post.  We've added a quick throttle, rebuilt the front suspension, added a Dynojet Power Commander, and upgraded the race brake pads.  Here are some of the other enhancements:

New brake guards.....

New chain and sprockets.....

New grips.....

A new Ninja rear shock.....

A new rearset from Woodcraft.....

A new windscreen from Zero Gravity.....

Roger says he's not quite done yet with the adjustments for 2016.  If you are a vendor who didn't see his gear listed and want to sponsor us just contact us using the Contact Form on the right side of the blog.  Let's be honest - someday we'll all be Geezers so why not support the Geezer Gear Racing Team now by sponsoring us!!

I've got more pictures and videos coming in future updates so stay tuned!

See ya' at the track!


Friday, February 12, 2016

Gearing Up for 2016

Happy 2016!!

Ok a little late I know but I've had a pretty good fall / winter hunting season so far it was hard to start thinking about racing!

The weather has been warm here lately and I've been seeing more folks out on their bikes.  Our home track (High Plains Raceway) is still dealing with some snow so we won't be on the track anytime soon:

Photo from High Plains Raceway Facebook:

Now for a little housekeeping:  For our friends in the European Union countries please see the notice that Google has provided with regards to Cookies used on our Blog.  To be honest I'm not that smart so I can't tell you what Google does but check down at the bottom of the Blog and you'll see the notice.

Onto racing....

Over the winter we dyno'd the bike:

Thanks to Imperial Sport Bikes in Denver, Colorado for working with Roger on getting this done.  He'll have a little more "boogity boogity boogity" under him this year and I can't wait to see how he can translate that into better times around the track.

We also upgraded the truck so that it can handle the 30' trailer a bit better. We might have an issue hooking the trailer up to the truck but we'll figure that out when it gets a bit warmer.

Stay tuned to the Blog as we start working our way to raceday!

See ya' at the track!
