Tuesday, April 19, 2016

News Flash...

We interrupt the racing season to bring you this colossal snow storm!  Ok - a bit dramatic but that's what it feels like in Colorado right now.

Because of last weekend's snow storm we missed out on track day at the High Plains Raceway in Deer Trail for road racing and Saturday night practice for dirt track at the IMI Sports Complex in Dacono.  Not cool when opening weekend for road racing is about 10 days away.  We need track time - not just to get on the bike and see how the off-season modifications went but to also make sure the pit gets set up and the pre-season bugs get worked out.

I think we can get over the learning curve on the road racing pretty quickly given the fact that we've done that before.  The dirt track is new for us and I'd like to see us get in as much track time as we can before we start getting serious about it.

Oh well - the nice thing is that the sun is out and the snow is melting.  With any luck the track will dry out and we'll be racing soon!

See ya' at the track!


Friday, April 8, 2016

Adding More Races This Summer!

Sometimes a racer has to race.  It doesn't matter if it's at the chow line, for a spot in line at the movies, or at the track.  The need to race is buried deep into our souls.  If you don't race then chances are you don't get it.

Last weekend we prepped the truck and trailer for racing.  We made sure the new truck could hook up to the toyhauler and that the trailer systems (lights / camera / etc.) all worked.  Everything performed flawlessly.  We also figured out with the new truck we could probably haul a little more water and fuel than we have been - and a pit bike and possibly a second race bike.

Roger has another enclosed trailer on his property (6' x 12' or so) so we looked at what it would take to get that up and road ready for small trips.  As we were inspecting it Roger said he wanted to try dirt track racing and this would be the perfect trailer for that.

Admittedly I don't know much about dirt track racing but as we got to talking it seemed like Roger had done his research and wanted to give this a try.  We have what we need to race - motocross gear / racing leathers and we would use the 2014 KTM EXC350 as a race bike.

So long story short, this weekend we'll prep the smaller trailer and next weekend (April 18th) we'll be at the IMI Motorsports Complex in Dacono, Colorado for prepped-track practice.  If you are out that way please look us up!

If things go well next weekend we will be racing dirt track as part of the Colorado Flat Track season and motorcycle on-track roadracing with the Motorcycle Roadracing Association.

See ya' at the track!
