Friday, October 24, 2014

PPIR Race Pics From The 2014 Season

I have been going through some of the videos I shot this past season and have clipped out a few pictures to share:

The bottom two pictures shows our team rider, Roger, in the thick of a race.  Here's some more of Roger:

I shot a lot of video this past season so it will take me a while to get through it.  I managed to video tape several races and practice sessions, so when I get see a few great images from the video's I'll post them here.  You might see yourself or your favorite racer so stay tuned!

I can't believe the season is over - especially with how nice the weather has been lately.  We're expecting another warm day today and on into the weekend.  Still plenty warm for a few more weekends of racing!

Enjoy the pics and I'll be taking more as we work on getting the Ninja race ready for next season!

See ya at the track!


Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Few Trailing Thoughts About A Trailer......

I'm back to writing the blog - I spent yesterday hunting and I've got squirrels in my freezer again!

We've picked up a new motorcycle for next year:

It's a 2014 Ninja 300.  With a ride like that I think this should be Roger's leathers & helmet for next season:

I'm sure the cape flapping in the wind would be cool as he's racing around the track, and I don't think I saw anything in the rules against wearing a cape......

We've been looking at options for the trailer so if you have any ideas or preferences let me know.  We're thinking something around 6' or 7' wide (our current trailer is 8' wide) and probably 16' to 18' long - big enough to carry up to 4 bikes.

Since I handle the pit logistics I started thinking about things that could help me out - cabinets for parts, built in tool boxes, flat space for working that folds up against the sides of the trailer when not in use, yet could double as a bed, A/C, a place to hang and dry leathers, etc.

We've also thinking how the bikes will be stored and am open to suggestions as to how to get that done.  I've seen some pretty cool floor systems that have built in wheel chocks.

There are some necessities too - side door, canopy, generator, air compressor, etc.  I think what will really take our team to the next level is this:

Yep, a leather massage chair that is wi-fi compatible - and it reclines too!  Don't know if that's in the budget but it would be cool!

I'm still working on pictures and videos from last season.  I've got squirrels swimming in bar-b-que sauce that need a some attention and grillin' before tonight's Bronco's game.

See ya at the track!


Monday, October 6, 2014

A Few Pictures From Pueblo...

I'm not the guy in the leathers racing around the track - I get to enjoy life as part of the pit crew.  Anytime I've been down in Pueblo it's been hot.  The track is hot, the wind is hot, the drinks are hot, and I'm getting hot just thinking about how hot it was!

My hats off to our Roger, out team driver.  He has to strap on the leathers and put up with the heat on the track.  For us old guys the heat can be a real pisser!  It's a fine balance to stay hydrated at our age - you have to drink enough that you don't dehydrate, yet not drink too much that you gotta pee every 5 minutes.

Here's a few pictures from Pueblo - enjoy!

Here's our setup from this year:

Note that it lacks A/C, a good stereo, a waffle maker, and a cold fridge.  I'm hoping that we're going to fix that come next season!

I'll work on posting more pictures & videos from this past season.

See ya at the track!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Early In The Off-Season.....

Sigh....the season is over and the bike, the tools, and the trailer have been stored for winter.  You watch the race videos to remember the ups and downs of the last year, longing for one more race weekend now that the wife said the in-laws are coming for an extended stay....

We look at the off-season as a chance to figure out if we are still young enough to try the young person's sport for another year.  For us the answer is and will always be 'yes', because the truth is that we would much rather pick up and drive somewhere for a long weekend, sleeping in the trailer, eating food that will give us gas for days than spend the weekend at home with a wife and a honey-do list.  There is no animal on earth that man fears and avoids more than a spouse with a list!

I also look at this as an opportunity to try and hook-up sponsors to help defray the costs of racing.  I'm thinking we need to be sponsored by 'Hooters' and 'Best Western' but Roger thinks we need sponsors that actually have something to do with motorcycles.  My argument is you gotta eat well and you gotta sleep well if you are going to race well!

We gotta give a big shout-out to Apex Sports in Colorado Springs.  They have hooked Roger up on several of his bikes and for our racing bike.  Although they are not an official sponsor, if it weren't for the bones we get tossed from time to time, us old guys would be dressed in plaid pants, white belts, and walking through Kohl's or JC Penney's carrying our wive's purses on weekends.

Unfortunately, it seems that the only sponsors for a couple of old guys are old guy products, so I say let's roll with it.  Stay tuned for more official sponsor announcements, but here's a short list of potential sponsors that I'm trying to line up for next year:

Mann Lee Adult Diapers
"We can take the load when you can't"

Green Earth Recycled Catheter Supply
"When you pee, pee green!"

Mustang Ranch Senior Care Home and Casino
"Join us for 'Double Down' Tuesdays!"

I'm sure eventually we'll get actual racing sponsors, but for now we gotta take what we can get!  I'm thinking we can put the sponsor's name and jingle / slogan on the back of the trailer so people can see them as we go from race to race.  Plus whenever we stop at Denny's or McDonalds (gotta love the free senior coffees!) people can see the trailer and sponsors.

I know we are early in the off-season and anything can happen between now and next race season, but if we can sign these sponsors it would be a pretty good victory for a couple of old guys who are doing everything they can to not spend the weekends with the wives and the honey-do lists!

See ya at the track!
