Friday, October 24, 2014

PPIR Race Pics From The 2014 Season

I have been going through some of the videos I shot this past season and have clipped out a few pictures to share:

The bottom two pictures shows our team rider, Roger, in the thick of a race.  Here's some more of Roger:

I shot a lot of video this past season so it will take me a while to get through it.  I managed to video tape several races and practice sessions, so when I get see a few great images from the video's I'll post them here.  You might see yourself or your favorite racer so stay tuned!

I can't believe the season is over - especially with how nice the weather has been lately.  We're expecting another warm day today and on into the weekend.  Still plenty warm for a few more weekends of racing!

Enjoy the pics and I'll be taking more as we work on getting the Ninja race ready for next season!

See ya at the track!


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