Friday, April 3, 2015

And So It Begins......

Typical Colorado weather - we had snow last night and this morning.  Thankfully it's supposed to blow out later today, which is good because tomorrow is Lapping Day at the High Plains Raceway.  I'm hoping that the track will be dry and gravel-free so Roger has a good day on the track.

Lots of bike modifications on the bike this year.  In the last blog I posted pictures of the new racing plastic but what I didn't mention is that we switched the gearing from the stock bike to make it easier for Roger to shift on the race track.

I've been reading over the Motorcycle Racing Association's 2015 Rule Book making sure I've got a handle on the bike specs and the pit rules (still no wolverines allow in the pits according to Section 11 Rule D. ), so all I have left to do is make sure the fire extinguisher is still charged.

Our team rider, Roger, has been running and bicycling this off-season to get himself into racing shape.  Not easy to do at our age!  He rode his KTM to work about a week ago in the snow - now that'd dedication!

Still lots to do on the bike before opening weekend (May 9th & 10).  It looks like Roger and I are off to Mesa, Arizona to pick up a new racing trailer for the season so hopefully we'll get good weather for a long weekend sometime between now and then.

As always, you can follow our hijinks on Twitter ( #geezergears ) or you can find us on Instagram.  I'll be keeping you updated as to our progress at the track tomorrow so stay tuned.

See ya' at the track!


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