Believe it or not, your Geezers managed to survive the long, hot weekend! Sure we needed a shower and a nap when we got home but we made it! A big round of thanks to our families for letting us do what we do (no matter how crazy it sounds), and for holding Father's Day dinner until after we woke up from our naps!
The weekend races at Pueblo are now in the books. We came away pretty much unscathed although a bit dusty from all of the kitty litter on the track. A big shout out to the MRA-Colorado staff and field crew for doing what the could to keep the track in racing condition all weekend.
It's hard when you come up to a patch of kitty litter on the track. So many things race through your mind so you have to battle harder to stay focused. For us old guys our minds are usually filled with thoughts like: "don't crash", "set up for this curve", "is my blinker on?", "how much longer do I have - I really have to pee". For us old Geezers, seeing the residue on the track reminds us of our mortality and how much little time we have left to make our mark in this world.
We picked up a few points and we hit our personal goals for the weekend. Remember we're just a couple of old farts doing what we can to get out of the "honey-do list" back at home. We don't have sponsors and we don't have a pit team and we don't have a lot of tools or equipment. If we can't fix it with what's in our toolbox or with duct tape we just make due.
For us it's the friendships and fellowships that we have with fellow racers that mean more to us than the points. Yes, we may learn a thing or two about setting up motorcycles or how to set up for corners, but at our age we are just out to have fun. Thanks for all old friends (and new ones) who stopped by our pit and shared some time and stories with us this weekend.
So what's next for your Geezers? It looks like we will be in Mesa, Arizona in 2 weeks to pick up the toy hauler. If your a fan of the Geezer Gears Racing Team you can follow our antics via Twitter and Instagram as I'll be sending out updates as we go. I'll be reviewing pictures and racing footage with Roger to see where we can improve and I'll also be looking for images to post to our blog.
Again, a big THANK YOU!! to our families and friends that have supported us on this crazy adventure!
Life is short - hug a Geezer!
See ya' at the track!
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