Saturday, August 8, 2015

Racing in Comfort

Last night Roger and I spent the first night in the new toy hauler (well technically the first time was on the way home from picking it up in Arizona).  The trailer got its initiation thanks to the full fury of Mother Nature - rain, wind, and hail ranging from pea size hail to just about golf ball sized hail.

While watching the local weatherman we realized how far we have come in our creature comforts.  We used to come down for a day, then we were camping in tents, and now this!

The body of the trailer survived the storm but the vent covers, well they didn't make it.  During the rain we saw the water coming in from the vents and realized we had problems.  After the storm we managed to borrow a ladder and I patched the holes and cracks with duct tape.

The weather forecast for today is temperatures in the 80's, cloudy, humid, and a chance of rain.  Sundays forecast is more of the same.  It's probably a good thing that we spent the time last night fixing it.

The sun has come up and the generators are in full humming mode.  I guess it's race day.  We have 2 races today and 2 races tomorrow, and I'll do my best to keep you posted as to how we did - just don't ask about the karaoke at the pavilion last night!

See 'ya at the track!


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