Saturday, May 7, 2016

Lapping Day 2016

Well true to Colorado's unusual springtime weather, we got snowed out of Round 1 and Round 2 is just a couple of weeks away.  Roger wanted some time on the bike so he headed out yesterday for Lapping Day down at Pueblo Motorsports Park.  Unfortunately I had a full day of work plus prepping for a 6,000 mile / 11 State road trip that starts next week so I wasn't able to attend.

What could possibly go wrong with a day at the track without your pit crew?  I thought Roger was going to take the small enclosed trailer since it's just a day trip rather than an overnight trip.  Nope.

So it's the maiden voyage of the trailer with the new truck - what can go wrong?  How about the trailer riding a bit high in the front?  We figured even with a full tank of fuel for the pump station and a full tank of water it would still be riding high in the front.  Looks like we have a little adjustment work to do with the trailer hitch to drop the front end down a bit and get the trailer to ride a bit more level.

We won't mention that the power cables that go from the generators to the trailer were left at home so there wasn't any power for the trailer - no fridge, no TV, no radio and no awning for shade!

And then there is the logistics of riding on the track then coming back to the pit and trying to get the bike up on the stands yourself.  Once you've mastered that everything else should be good - right?

Except for the brand new tire warmer doing a complete melt down and almost going up in flames!

Then there is the issue of the backup camera on the trailer not working.  It worked last month when we connected the new truck to the trailer but it didn't work on the way down and only started working once Roger called me on his way home to figure out what went wrong with it.

While these were only minor inconveniences the biggest annoyance came from a rather large rattle snake that was sunning himself on the track.  When you get that big you move when you are good and ready!

Unfortunately I'm going to miss Round 2 as I am off to Phoenix, AZ, Syracuse, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Chicago, IL, Milwaukee, WI, Green Bay, WI, Chicago, IL and then back to Phoenix before I fly home again.  Long story but the Reader's Digest version is that my folks don't fly so I'll be driving them to a niece's graduation in Syracuse, a visit with an aunt in Philadelphia, an nephew's graduation in Milwaukee, and then visit family in Chicago (my old home town).  I would rather be at the track but family comes first!

I'll leave you with a picture from last year.  It was our first outing with the new toy hauler and Mother Nature thought she would help us break it in with a downpour and hail, which broke the vent covers on the roof.  Here's a picture of me between waves on the roof trying to patch the covers with duct tape before it rains again:

Until next time.....

See ya' at the track!


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