Thursday, June 16, 2016

Calling All Race Fans!

Wow, I can't believe that it is finally time to race!  This is the third racing weekend for the Motorcycle Roadracing Association of Colorado and I can finally get to the track and in the pit where I belong!

So here's the recap - Weekend #1 got snowed out and moved to after Weekend #2 and before Weekend #3.  I couldn't make Weekend #2 because I was on a 7,000 mile road trip.  Roger couldn't make the Weekend #1 (rescheduled) because he was back in Illinois celebrating his and his dad's shared birthday.

And now we are on to Weekend #3 and it's going to be a beauty!  It will be really really hot on the track and this weekend is the 4 hour endurance race as well!  Roger and I are just too old to get into an endurance race - especially in the heat without air conditioning, a comfy seat and a flat screen TV!

Yesterday Roger and I loaded the trailer to get a jump on things.  Many thanks to Roger's wife Diane for stepping up and helping out at the last race - lets hope things go a little smoother this go round (not forgetting cables / small fires with the tire warmers / bike stands getting stuck in the down position on the pit bike / etc.).

We managed to get the hot water heater up and running which means we can have showers this weekend in the trailer!  The air conditioning unit is working so the trailer will be nice and cool while the outside hits the mid to upper 90's.  Tomorrow I'll make a grocery run to get more Gatorade and drinking water (and breakfast burritos and pizza and snacks and....), then I'll head down to meet Roger and we'll be on our way to the track!

We are still thinking about flat-track racing this summer.  Roger has a KTM that might need a few modifications to be able to race on the track.  Yesterday Roger hit me with a new request - go kart racing!  I know that they race go karts at the IMI Motorsports Park in Dacono, Colorado and at the SBR Motorsports Park in Calhan, Colorado, and there is a new indoor electric go kart racing at Overdrive Raceway in Colorado Springs. Colorado.  With go karts reaching speeds of 40MPH+ it might be worth looking into!

But first things first - MRA - Colorado Round #3 in Byers.  Stop on by and mention you saw the blog - that might get you a nice cold one!

See ya' at the track!


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