Tuesday, December 30, 2014

It's Time for the Year End Review...

As we bid farewell to 2014 and await 2015, it's time for the obligatory year-end lists....

I am reviewing the racing video from this year as I sit in my nice warm house while outside it's freeking sub-zero outside!  I almost wish it was August and we were back at the hot & dry Pueblo Motorsports Park.

Although we were late-comers to racing this year I think our rider Roger did his best racing at Pikes Peak International Raceway.  He seemed to be really comfortable with those large banked corners.  That does seem a bit surprising given his background in motocross and enduro and all of the times we used to ride dirt bikes down in Pueblo.  Granted the dirt is different than the pavement but Roger does have a collection of trophies from drag racing his motorcycle in Pueblo so he's used to the long straight-away.

Next year we plan on traveling a bit more (see previous blog entries regarding our trailer search).  We're talking about racing all along the front range from Wyoming to New Mexico, and we're thinking about racing in Kansas, Nebraska and maybe a trip to the Miller Motorsports Park in Utah.  So for our first category - "Favorite Track of 2014" I would say it was by far PPIR.  We raced better there, we had great pit locations, and the women were much prettier there (hey - we're old but we're not dead!).

Next category - "Favorite Pit Food of 2014".  Ok I know it seems like it's a rather strange award category but I get hungry watching Roger work so hard out on the track.  I'm a rather simple kind of guy - I like my beer and brats, but I've been known not to pass up a good burrito or enchilada or two.  I've got to give the award to the Colorado Motorcycle Racing Association's year-end barbecue.

Next up - "Favorite Walk-Up Song of 2014".  Ok so I know that walk-up songs are more of a baseball thing but I can really get jumping when I hear a great tune.  While Roger gets all of the glory it's us grunts in the pits that really have it rough.  He goes through his pre-race routine mapping out the turns in his head and clearing his thoughts of everything else.  I have my own pre-race routine in prepping the bike, prepping the rider, and most importantly, prepping the race time drinks and snacks.  Talk about hard work and incredible pressure - imagine the stress of mistakenly grabbing the Doritos and salsa thinking you got the Ruffles and root beer.  I find that having pre-race music helps me think clearer so I won't make the Doritos / salsa mistake again. 

Here are my top tunes leading up to race time: "Hells Bells", "Stranglehold", "Rock & Roll", and "Are You Ready".  I like how it builds in tempo up from the slow start of "Hells Bells" to the balls out pace of "Rock & Roll", and  then it gets highly cerebral with "Are You Ready".  My "Favorite Walk-Up Song of 2014" goes to Creed's "Are You Ready".

I'll come up with more awards and lists in the coming days.  Until then, have a safe New Years and we'll all be back at it before you know it!

See ya at the track!


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