Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Well the Christmas tree finally went up and the house got decorated.  Funny how some people are particular with what goes in the tree as decorations - ornaments yes but spark plugs no.  Who knew?

We've been looking at trailers for next season and we've got a few that we like.  First you start with the trailer necessities like AC, fridge, microwave, a place for my tool boxes, my easy chair, and, as Roger (our team rider) likes to point out, the ability to store motorcycles.  Then you move into the next level of 'would be cool to have' like hot tubs, sun deck, plasma TV, satellite dish, Wi-Fi, etc.  To get to the next level beyond the necessities takes mad negotiation skills, or a bunch of incriminating pictures!  Stay tuned - negotiations are about to get interesting!!

New racing plastic has been ordered and that will be a project for next month.  I'm still trying to convince Roger that a turn signal that is always blinking is a good tactical option for racing.  How many times have you come up on an old man with a hat driving on the highway with his blinker on and you slow down because you aren't too sure if he's coming into your lane or not!

We're trying to come up with colors for the bikes.  Roger likes white but I'm thinking something more like the orange-yellow color of Preparation H.  Now stay with me on this one - if you are riding a motorcycle on the track and it's hot and you start sweating chances are your roids might start acting up.  If you roids start acting up you lose focus on the track and all you can think about is.... Preparation H!  If your riding a bike that is the same color as Preparation H your mind convinces your roids that they've been treated so they don't become a distraction anymore.  Now doesn't that make a lot of sense?  If you like that idea you should see what colors I've come up with for his leathers next season!

Well the kiddos are here - someone told them that Santa dropped off some presents for them so they are waiting for me to come so that they can open them.  From our pit crew to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

See ya at the track!


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